Greater Omaha Genealogical Society

Contact G.O.G.S.

​You can send a general inquiry to You may also contact one of the individuals below by hovering your mouse over their name and clicking. This will open your active email program so you can send the individual a personal message.
Mailing Address:
Greater Omaha Genealogical Society
PO Box 4011
Omaha, NE 68104-0011

Board of Directors
President: Teri Baer
Vice President: Karen McAndrew
Recording Secretary: Vacant
Corresponding Secretary: Linda Leamer
Treasurer: Carla Casper
Director of Publications: Vacant
Director of Programs: Gloria Waters
Committee Chairs
Conferences: Vacant
Membership: Karen McAndrew
Outreach: Ira Nathan
Publicity/Marketing: Larry Kramer
Research: Vikki Henry
Website: Vacant
Special Interest Groups (SIG)
All Things German: Dennis Kingery
DNA: John Snowdon
Irish: Kevin J. Cassidy
VikingGen: Beth Rosenquist

Meeting Info

G.O.G.S. membership meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month of the year except for July, August and December. In August we usually gather for a picnic held at a local park, and in December we gather for a holiday affair. Depending on the month of the year, member meetings are currently held in person at Nebraska Methodist College on North 87th Street and/or on-line via Zoom, starting at 6:30 PM. Directions for attending these meetings are sent to each member prior to the meeting date and time. For upcoming event information, visit our Events page!
If you are currently not a member but would like to attend the monthly meeting, please email:
     The president will let you know if the meeting will be in-person or on zoom.

Support the Greater Omaha Genealogical Society!

Downtown Omaha in 1914 looking eastward from North 30th and Farnam Street